Make Time Work for You

How to Make Time Work for You

Have you ever complained of not having enough time to do something important? I’ll bet you have! You can make time work for you if you have the right focus. After all, you only live once (YOLO). If you’re like most people, you’ve complained of not enough time for at least one or more of these:[…]

Brainy Hiring Process | YOLO Insights

3 No Brainer Hiring Processes That Need to Be Brainer

I‘m away on vacation this week. However, I am excited to share that I’m a Bombshell Business Expert! I’ll be contributing content about recruiting and the hiring process to educate and empower Amber Hurdle’s Bombshell Business Woman audience. Please check out my first post on the hiring process over on the Bombshell blog. 3 No Brainer[…]

7 Interviewing Techniques You Need to Know

7 Interviewing Techniques You Need to Know

This is Part 2 of a three-part series on how your small business can hire the best employees. Part 1 discussed reaching active and passive candidates. Part 3 will show you how to create a new employee onboarding experience. Want to improve your hiring process and save you time and money? You will love these[…]

7 of My Behind the Scenes Recruiting Tools You'll Love

7 of My Behind the Scenes Recruiting Tools You’ll Love

There are so many great sourcing and recruiting tools out there, yet we tend to forget about some of the easiest and free tools available. Most of us get stuck in our comfortable, old ways and complain about how long everything takes. The problem with this is other organizations are using recruiting tools that make them[…]

The fascinating truth about the skills gap

The Fascinating Truth You Need to Know About the Skills Gap

It seems we’ve been hearing about a skills gap for the last ten years or so. If you Google “skills gap,” you will see differing opinions about its existence. What’s fascinating is some organizations are feeling this gap while others aren’t. However, recent research sheds light on why a skills gap is a myth for[…]

Write good job postings using these 7 tips to transform your job postings into candidate magnets.

7 Easy Ways to Quickly Transform your Job Ads

Job ads are the most common way of letting your potential candidates know you are hiring. Unfortunately, most job postings are poorly written and miss a critical opportunity to attract the talented people you need to build your business. The truth is you have about 20 seconds to capture your candidates’ attention and make them[…]

Fall Is the Perfect Time to Spice Up Your Recruiting

Fall Is the Perfect Time to Spice Up Your Recruiting

  Fall arrives Friday, and with it comes the annual pumpkin spice obsession. People go crazy for their pumpkin spice. It’s like some pumpkin spice cult mesmerizes us. It seems like everything has pumpkin spice in it these days—even Cheerios! A little spice can be a nice change; however, too much can put you into[…]

Hurdling Hiring Bias: Are You Too Hung Up on the Degree?

Are you hung up on a degree as a job requirement? Education bias is rising. I share my experience with this on the Mighty Recruiter blog.

7 Recruiting Myths That Mislead and Derail Us

  Mark Twain once said, “It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble. It’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so.” Too often, small business owners let these seven recruiting myths derail their ability to attract and hire the people they need to grow their business and achieve their goals. The[…]

Does Your Recruiting Need a Miracle Worker?

Do you need a Recruiting Miracle Worker?

Most of us are familiar with the story of Helen Keller, who was blind and deaf because of an early childhood illness. The most significant person in Helen Keller’s life was Anne Sullivan, her teacher and miracle worker who was also visually impaired. More importantly, Anne understood the power of language and assigning words with[…]