Hurdling Hiring Bias: Are You Too Hung Up on the Degree?

Are you hung up on a degree as a job requirement? Education bias is rising. I share my experience with this on the Mighty Recruiter blog.

How to Make the Most of an Ugly Christmas Sweater

  December is a few days away and with it comes a season of holiday gift giving. Most of us can probably think of one gift that stands out in our minds as being perfect. It’s a gift that keeps giving long after it was received and possibly even after it exists. That gift might[…]

Reflections on 9/11: Fifteen Years Later

  Today is the 15th Anniversary of 9/11. It’s a pivotal moment in our nation’s history; one that continues to have a significant impact on our lives. Everyone remembers where they were and what they were doing on that day when they heard the planes flew into the World Trade Center in New York City.[…]



Healthy hiring requires focus. I recently read a health coach’s Facebook post about her early morning grocery shopping trip. She talked about the items in people’s shopping carts and their impact on healthy living — for example, breakfast cereal. That made me think about the health of our hiring practices. You’re probably thinking I’m crazy[…]

Rethinking HR

Grab your autographed copy now. BUY NOW! This entry in the Red Letter Publishing Professional Series is the work of sixteen authors including Rebecca Barnes-Hogg, all distinguished members of the Human Resources community. At the core of their work in this anthology is a simple question: how can we rethink Human Resources in ways that make[…]