Fall arrives Friday, and with it comes the annual pumpkin spice obsession. People go crazy for their pumpkin spice. It’s like some pumpkin spice cult mesmerizes us. It seems like everything has pumpkin spice in it these days—even Cheerios! A little spice can be a nice change; however, too much can put you into overload and you rapidly tire of it. The same is true for your recruiting.
Could your recruiting use some spice this fall?
While recruiting may not be a good fit for the pumpkin spice cult, it does have a cult that can lock a small business into an endless struggle to hire the people they need to be productive and profitable. I call it the Cult of Mediocrity. So, how do you know if you are a member? Here are some clues:
- You lack clarity about your ideal candidates.
- You ignore your company culture in your hiring process.
- You are inconsistent in defining your mission, vision, and values.
- You fail to communicate the unique value you offer to candidates.
Clarity, culture, consistency, and communication are the four components of The YOLO Principle™. When you incorporate these four principles into your recruiting and hiring, you can confidently hire the right people for your unique business needs.
My book, The YOLO Principle: The Ultimate Hiring Guide to Small Business, will be released on October 2. In it, I teach you how easy it is to recruit and hire the top talent you need to be successful and profitable. I invite you to bring your pumpkin spice favorites with you as you leave the Cult of Mediocrity and become a part of my TYP (The YOLO Principle™) Community.
What makes those principles so effective? That’s a critical question for anyone who wants to successfully recruit and hire the people they need. The answer is simple. Using The YOLO Principle™, you can learn to create a hiring process that supports your needs by making some simple changes that produce dramatic results.
This book is packed with practical, common sense-based suggestions to improve the overall strategy for recruiting top talent. It shows you how small tweaks in thinking can greatly impact the success of your recruiting, interviewing, and hiring process. The insights shared provide greater efficiency and put small businesses into a more prepared and proactive position. The most significant impact of the process is using Insightful Interview™ questions to learn the truth about your candidates.
Plus, the book is fun and engaging to read. Plus, it’s filled with spicy examples from my years in the field. And you get an Appendix packed with templates and resources you need to get started.
One of my clients experienced powerful results using The YOLO Principle™. Because of its easy-to-understand, easy-to-implement tactics, they were in the enviable position of choosing between two highly-qualified candidates instead of settling for the best of the average or subpar applicants.
How did they do this?
They used an effective job posting that attracted their ideal candidate, which they defined using the process I teach in the book. It was fun and easy and got great results. They used the four principles to get clarity about their needs, understand their company culture, consistently define their mission, vision, and values, and communicate that to their candidates.
I thought my insightful community deserved the first look at the book. Read the first chapter of The YOLO Principle: The Ultimate Hiring Guide to Small Business. It’s available here, for you.
If you want to share the chapter with your friends, you can share the link above, or just share this post. So, enjoy the read and stay tuned over the next few weeks for more ideas and tips from the book!
If you need a bit more handholding—and trust me, I understand—schedule a free insight session today, call me, send an email, or text RECRUITER to 44222 to get a free sample of The YOLO Principle. And, the best part is that it’s FREE!
P.S. No pressure from me (yet), however, if you decide to preorder the book, please hang on to your receipt! I have some special goodies for everyone who preorders by October 1. And, I promise you this—it will be better than pumpkin spice.