10 Ways to Engage Your New Hires and Get Them Productive Fast

  DON’T LET GREAT CANDIDATES EXIT BEFORE THEY START You’ve done the hard work of recruiting and found the perfect employee. Now you can relax and wait for them to arrive on their first day of work. Pat yourself on the back and congratulate yourself on a job well done. Stop right there! Don’t be[…]

Discover the Reality of Working with Millennials

Running a business is a lot like a reality TV show. You have an ultimate goal or mission and a time frame in which to achieve it. A group of people are thrown together and the fun ─ or chaos ─ begins. In business, you hope for the fun and do your best to prevent[…]

6 Awesome Things My Clients Are Doing ─ And You Can Do Them Too

One of my favorite quotes from Brian Tracy, motivational speaker and author, is “People are not your most important asset. The right people are.” Finding the right people isn’t easy, and I know many of you struggle every day with hiring great employees. You wish you could find the secret recipe other companies use or[…]