Would You Like to Hear My Shocking Confession?

I have a confession. It could be described as a deep—perhaps some might call it severe—problem. I’m taking a deep breath here because it’s hard to put it into writing for everyone to read. But, I have to be honest. My life rarely goes the way I plan it. Shocking, right? Despite my efforts to[…]

Fall in love with hiring

Why I Love my Applicant Tracking System

Small businesses struggle with managing and organizing all the details for recruiting. An applicant tracking system (ATS) is a tool every small business needs. I share my thoughts on why I love my ATS on the MightyRecruiter blog. https://www.mightyrecruiter.com/blog/smb-hiring-tips-why-i-love-using-an-ats-and-you-should-too/

Hallways are critical pathways that help us transition from one place to another. A hallway may be what you need for a fresh approach to successful hiring.

Hallways are Key to Hiring Top Talent

Most of us have a favorite room in our house—it’s the one where we are most comfortable and at ease. It’s our go-to place when we want to relax, enjoy a good book, or watch something on TV. Many of us have settled into a comfortable place in our recruiting and hiring just like that[…]

Fall in love with hiring

Fall in Love with Your Hiring Process

Tomorrow is Valentine’s Day, and everyone is focused on love—either celebrating it or longing for it. As a small business owner, you probably feel this way all the time: either you have the right people and celebrate their success, or you long to find the right people and hope that someday you’ll get lucky and[…]

Think You’re Not Good Enough—Here’s Why

Welcome Guest Expert Summer Turner! An experienced teacher and trainer, Summer Turner combines brain science, psychology, creativity and spirituality to help introverted businesswomen create meaningful success from inside their comfort zone. Visit her website to learn more about how Summer helps introverted womanpreneurs who want a life and business of Ease and Flow in spiritual, personal, and[…]

A Special Thank You Offer

After the Pilgrims’ first harvest in the New World 395 years ago, they celebrated with a three-day feast of prayer and thanksgiving. The Pilgrims shared the bounty of a successful growing season with the Native Americans and gave thanks for their abundant harvest and good health. Over the years, traditions have changed and evolved, but the underlying[…]

Your business may need a wellness check.

It’s Time for Your Annual Checkup

  Going to the doctor is just one of those things you have to do to stay healthy. Most of us dread this annual visit, and while a commentary on what’s wrong with our health care system is outside the purpose of this blog, I am going to use it as a case study to[…]

Hiring is Like a Fine Dining Experience

If you have ever been to a high end restaurant for a special occasion, you have certain expectations based solely on the restaurant’s price, menu, and location. Those expectations usually include quality, value, service, atmosphere, and the overall experience. I had the pleasure of dining at a wonderful restaurant where the entire evening, from the[…]

5 Tips to Attract Your Ideal Candidate and Reduce Resume Spam

“I love spam,” said no one ever. We use spam filters to keep unwanted messages out of our inbox. However, we fail to keep those unqualified resumes from appearing in our inbox by using effective spam filters. (Even if you use an automated system, you are still getting spammed.) Imagine how much easier finding your[…]

10 Ways to Engage Your New Hires and Get Them Productive Fast

  DON’T LET GREAT CANDIDATES EXIT BEFORE THEY START You’ve done the hard work of recruiting and found the perfect employee. Now you can relax and wait for them to arrive on their first day of work. Pat yourself on the back and congratulate yourself on a job well done. Stop right there! Don’t be[…]