Do You Know if Your Candidates Bite?

Do You Know if Your Candidates Bite?

It’s spring break season and families everywhere are piling into the family car for road trips to destinations that are supposed to be fun and relaxing. Except that often is far from the reality. I remember a family road trip to the Catskills in New York with my parents and two brothers and sister. We[…]

Is Your Hiring Process a Game of Two Truths and a Lie?

Your hiring process should uncover the truth about the people you hire. Two Truths and a Lie is a popular icebreaker and party game and can be a lot of fun. The problem is that we play this game with our candidates without realizing it. How much do you really know about your candidates? Candidates[…]

Spring Cleaning Your Recruiting

Spring Cleaning Your Recruiting

At 6:28 EDT today, spring arrived! After the recent snowstorms and cold weather, most of us are more than ready to welcome spring. It’s a time of renewal, rebirth, and cleansing of things we accumulated during the winter that we no longer need. I love this quote from William Morris, “Have nothing in your house[…]

Hiring Using a GPS Mindset

Hiring the right people is the most important thing a small business owner does. Each hire is critical, and making a bad choice can cost you thousands of dollars, hours of your time, and potentially harm your business. If you are tired of struggling with hiring, a small shift in perspective will produce big results.[…]

Fall in love with hiring

Fall in Love with Your Hiring Process

Tomorrow is Valentine’s Day, and everyone is focused on love—either celebrating it or longing for it. As a small business owner, you probably feel this way all the time: either you have the right people and celebrate their success, or you long to find the right people and hope that someday you’ll get lucky and[…]

Five Daily Habits to Turbocharge Your Recruiting

I’ve written many times about effective recruiting processes and how to implement them in your business. I hear from clients and my insightful community that you understand the concepts; it’s putting them into practice where you run into difficulty. The key to implementation is to change your behavior. Unfortunately, many of us have developed habits[…]

Recruiting Lessons From Super Bowl Commercials

Super Bowl LI is this Sunday. Sports fans are debating the skills of the quarterbacks, wide receivers, and running backs, while also arguing about which defense can stop the high-powered offenses of the two teams. The rest of us are talking about the commercials. This year, a 30-second commercial is reported to cost a minimum[…]

Three Steps to Conquer Procrastination

by Rebecca Barnes-Hogg Meriam-Webster defines procrastination as “to put off intentionally and habitually.” Most of us suffer from this affliction. I confess that I procrastinated before writing this blog. Why do we procrastinate? The three most popular reasons we habitually postpone tasks are: We lack clearly defined intentions, making it difficult to know where to[…]

5 Things to Remember when Recruiting

by Rebecca Barnes-Hogg We are now a couple of weeks into the new year and most of those shiny New Year’s resolutions have been trampled in the dust. You may even have an occasional pang of guilt about discarding your resolution so quickly. You might take comfort in knowing that statistics prove resolutions never work.[…]

What’s Your Word?

Happy New Year! Many people view the beginning of a new year as a time for resolutions about things they want to start, stop or change. Because we tend to think in terms of 12-month time periods, the start of a new year seems to be the perfect time for resolutions like these. However, it’s[…]