Recruiting Lessons

Recruiting Lessons from Timeshare Salespeople

Recruiting Lessons from Lisa the Timeshare Salesperson On a recent rainy Saturday afternoon, I headed to my local nail salon for a little me time to get a mani/pedi. The salon was very busy and while I waited, I chatted with another customer, Lisa, who was a timeshare salesperson. Lisa and I had a lively[…]

Is Your Recruiting Strategy Jenga Ready? 

Is Your Recruiting Strategy Jenga Ready? 

Is Your Recruiting Strategy Jenga Ready? Jenga is the Swahili word for “to build.” It is also a game of strategy and precision. You must be careful about how you build your Jenga tower; support is everything. Building a stable structure requires strategic thinking about how moving individual blocks will impact the overall stability of[…]

Tips for Hiring Senior Leaders for Your Small or Medium-sized Business

Borrowing some executive hiring tips from corporate bigwigs can help small or medium-sized businesses effectively attract and hire the senior leaders they need to successfully grow and scale their business. I share my thoughts on how to use corporate bigwig advice on the MightyRecruiter blog. Tips for Hiring Senior Leaders for Your Small or Medium-sized[…]

Hiring is scary business.

To Hire or Not to Hire?

To hire or not to hire? That’s a tough question for many small business owners who need to hire the right people for their business. You may have received some training and researched proper interviewing techniques. You know which questions you can legally ask candidates in an interview and you’ve learned to craft Insightful Interview™[…]

Honesty Uncensored…Is Your Job Posting Too Transparent?

Honesty is the best policy. Or is it? One of the core components of The YOLO Principle™ is communication, and I truly believe in communicating openly and honestly about the positions for which you are hiring. However, sometimes you can be a bit too far as evidenced by this job posting inadvertently published on[…]

Recruiting Lessons from a Salad Bowl

A friend who is moving recently posted on social media about the challenges of deciding what to keep and what to let go as she and her family transitioned from one home to another. They were downsizing and because of that, were faced with letting go of some treasured items. The decision-making process was difficult,[…]

Fall Is the Perfect Time to Spice Up Your Recruiting

Fall Is the Perfect Time to Spice Up Your Recruiting

  Fall arrives Friday, and with it comes the annual pumpkin spice obsession. People go crazy for their pumpkin spice. It’s like some pumpkin spice cult mesmerizes us. It seems like everything has pumpkin spice in it these days—even Cheerios! A little spice can be a nice change; however, too much can put you into[…]

You Might Need a Chiropractor to Recruit Top Talent

You Might Need a Chiropractor to Recruit Top Talent

Alignment is critical to recruit top talent. If you are feeling out of alignment when it comes to recruiting, it might be time to apply some chiropractic principles. Keeping your spine in alignment is important to your health. Misalignment in your body may start out with a tiny ache or an occasional twinge. You adjust to[…]

Stand out in a mass of mediocrity and recruit the right people.

What Would You Change About Recruiting?

I was recently asked this question: “If you could change one thing about the way recruiting is done, what would it be and why?” That’s a pretty powerful question because it implies that the way recruiting is done is lacking in some way. As an expert recruiter, small business owners come to me for advice[…]

10 Small Business Hiring Tips for a Tight Labor Market

  A recent NFIB survey identified labor quality as the second biggest concern for small business. It’s a tough labor market and small businesses face what seems like an insurmountable challenge to find qualified employees for their jobs at the salaries they can pay. To make matters worse, available workers often lack the necessary experience[…]