Hallways are critical pathways that help us transition from one place to another. A hallway may be what you need for a fresh approach to successful hiring.

Hallways are Key to Hiring Top Talent

Most of us have a favorite room in our house—it’s the one where we are most comfortable and at ease. It’s our go-to place when we want to relax, enjoy a good book, or watch something on TV. Many of us have settled into a comfortable place in our recruiting and hiring just like that[…]

5 Reason Why Hiring a Mom is Good for Business

5 Reasons Why Hiring a Mom is Good for Business

  Yesterday, in many countries around the world, we celebrated Mother’s Day—traditionally a holiday honoring motherhood that falls on the second Sunday of May. Celebrations of motherhood can be traced to the ancient Romans and Greeks. In 1908, Anna Jarvis created the American version of Mother’s Day and in 1914, it became an official U.S.[…]

Got Hiring Dukkha?

Got Hiring Dukkha?

Many small businesses suffer from hiring dukkha. Dukkha is an important Buddhist concept commonly translated as pain or suffering. However, this translation is not 100 percent accurate. Some feel that suffering is too limited a translation and others leave it untranslated. No matter your preference, dukkha has three categories: Dukkha-dukkha—painful experiences Viparinama-dukkha—the changing nature of[…]

Hiring Anxiety is Like a New Pair of Shoes

Have you ever bought a new pair of tennis shoes and were so excited about wearing them, and yet afraid to wear them because you didn’t want to ruin their appearance? Maybe I’m the only one who feels that way, or maybe there are plenty of you out there who share my anxiety about new[…]

Do You Know if Your Candidates Bite?

Do You Know if Your Candidates Bite?

It’s spring break season and families everywhere are piling into the family car for road trips to destinations that are supposed to be fun and relaxing. Except that often is far from the reality. I remember a family road trip to the Catskills in New York with my parents and two brothers and sister. We[…]

5 Hiring Lessons From Dr. Seuss

Theodor Geisel, better known as Dr. Seuss, would be amazed to find that the lessons in his children’s books contain valuable hiring lessons for small businesses who struggle with recruiting the right people. Most of us have a favorite Dr. Seuss book and while we may not consciously be aware the lessons came from Dr.[…]

Is Your Hiring Process a Game of Two Truths and a Lie?

Your hiring process should uncover the truth about the people you hire. Two Truths and a Lie is a popular icebreaker and party game and can be a lot of fun. The problem is that we play this game with our candidates without realizing it. How much do you really know about your candidates? Candidates[…]

Spring Cleaning Your Recruiting

Spring Cleaning Your Recruiting

At 6:28 EDT today, spring arrived! After the recent snowstorms and cold weather, most of us are more than ready to welcome spring. It’s a time of renewal, rebirth, and cleansing of things we accumulated during the winter that we no longer need. I love this quote from William Morris, “Have nothing in your house[…]