Can You Spot Your Candidate's Easter Eggs?

Avoid a Costly Hiring Mistake: 3 Helpful Ways to Find a Candidate’s Hidden Easter Eggs

Easter is over for another year and with it those colorful Easter eggs that are so much fun to decorate and hide. However, Easter eggs also have another meaning. They can be a secret feature or hidden message. Movies, video games, or software often have this kind of Easter egg. Small businesses can make a[…]

Would You Like to Hear My Shocking Confession?

I have a confession. It could be described as a deep—perhaps some might call it severe—problem. I’m taking a deep breath here because it’s hard to put it into writing for everyone to read. But, I have to be honest. My life rarely goes the way I plan it. Shocking, right? Despite my efforts to[…]

How to Check References to Help You Hire Better People

Small Business Hiring Tips: How to Check References to Hire Better People

Congratulations! You found a great candidate who has the skills you need and appears to be a good fit for your team. You’re ready to check references and make an employment offer. That’s an exciting feeling. And yet, it’s also a bit scary. Why? Because you’ve been fooled in the past. Maybe your perfect candidate[…]

Solve Your Hiring Puzzle

Surprisingly Simple Secrets to Solving your Hiring Puzzle

Life is filled with puzzles and solving them can be both exciting and challenging. To relax, I do traditional puzzles where you put together a picture with a few hundred tiny pieces. However, there are other kinds of puzzles, and they are everywhere when you stop to think about it. Have you ever tried to[…]

Why Words Are an Amazingly Powerful Recruiting Tool

Why Words Are an Amazingly Powerful Recruiting Tool

The words you use have power. Remember the old 1930s Laurel and Hardy “Who’s on First?” skit? It’s a classic that is still funny today. We may laugh at the miscommunication—and growing frustration—between Laurel and Hardy. However, there are important lessons about the way in which we communicate embedded in this skit. Words have power[…]

The fascinating truth about the skills gap

The Fascinating Truth You Need to Know About the Skills Gap

It seems we’ve been hearing about a skills gap for the last ten years or so. If you Google “skills gap,” you will see differing opinions about its existence. What’s fascinating is some organizations are feeling this gap while others aren’t. However, recent research sheds light on why a skills gap is a myth for[…]

Set Yourself Up for Success in 2018

Welcome to 2018! This is a great time to examine your 2017 and set yourself up for success in 2018. What kind of a year did you have? If you looked back at your business on January 1, 2017, and the goals you had for the year ahead, how would it compare? Be honest, if[…]

Recruiting Insights From Green Eggs and Ham

Dr. Seuss’ classic book is fun to read and also helps us understand how important it is to refrain from making judgments until we’ve asked enough questions to know the truth. Throughout the book, Sam-I-Am tries to convince the narrator to taste green eggs and ham. Sam-I-Am keeps asking questions until the narrator finally tries[…]

Hiring is scary business.

To Hire or Not to Hire?

To hire or not to hire? That’s a tough question for many small business owners who need to hire the right people for their business. You may have received some training and researched proper interviewing techniques. You know which questions you can legally ask candidates in an interview and you’ve learned to craft Insightful Interview™[…]

Honesty Uncensored…Is Your Job Posting Too Transparent?

Honesty is the best policy. Or is it? One of the core components of The YOLO Principle™ is communication, and I truly believe in communicating openly and honestly about the positions for which you are hiring. However, sometimes you can be a bit too far as evidenced by this job posting inadvertently published on[…]