The fascinating truth about the skills gap

The Fascinating Truth You Need to Know About the Skills Gap

It seems we’ve been hearing about a skills gap for the last ten years or so. If you Google “skills gap,” you will see differing opinions about its existence. What’s fascinating is some organizations are feeling this gap while others aren’t. However, recent research sheds light on why a skills gap is a myth for[…]

Irresistibly Easy Ways to Learn the Truth About Your Candidates

Irresistibly Easy Ways to Learn the Truth About Your Candidates

I recently stumbled on a NY Times article about the uselessness of the job interview. The article described a situation where an interview panel hired a candidate based on their misperceptions rather than the truth. While I disagree with the reporter’s views and the relevance of the research cited to job interviews, I agree that[…]

Write good job postings using these 7 tips to transform your job postings into candidate magnets.

7 Easy Ways to Quickly Transform your Job Ads

Job ads are the most common way of letting your potential candidates know you are hiring. Unfortunately, most job postings are poorly written and miss a critical opportunity to attract the talented people you need to build your business. The truth is you have about 20 seconds to capture your candidates’ attention and make them[…]

Set Yourself Up for Success in 2018

Welcome to 2018! This is a great time to examine your 2017 and set yourself up for success in 2018. What kind of a year did you have? If you looked back at your business on January 1, 2017, and the goals you had for the year ahead, how would it compare? Be honest, if[…]

Merry Christmas from YOLO Insights

Gifts That Do Good and Feel Good

 Merry Christmas! I love this season of giving because it makes me reflect on the many gifts that do good and feel good we give and receive as business owners. In the stress and busy-ness of the season, we often forget to pause for a moment of gratitude for our many gifts. So, I am[…]

Take the Recruiting Road Less Traveled

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the one less traveled by. And that has made all the difference —Robert Frost The quote from Robert Frost is especially significant for small businesses. Too many struggle to find the people they need to be productive, efficient, and profitable. By taking the recruiting road less traveled,[…]

Hiring Tips: How to Hire Someone You Can’t Afford

Small businesses may not be able to compete with big business when it comes to basic salary, but that doesn’t mean you can’t attract top talent. I share my hiring tips on how small businesses can use total rewards to hire on the MightyRecruiter blog.

Recruiting Insights From Green Eggs and Ham

Dr. Seuss’ classic book is fun to read and also helps us understand how important it is to refrain from making judgments until we’ve asked enough questions to know the truth. Throughout the book, Sam-I-Am tries to convince the narrator to taste green eggs and ham. Sam-I-Am keeps asking questions until the narrator finally tries[…]

Win the war for talent during the holidays

4 Reasons Small Businesses Should Recruit During the Holidays

I’m obsessed with the holidays. Maybe you are too, but I would hazard a guess that my obsession is much different than yours. I’ve read all the social media posts about decorating, baking goodies, putting Christmas trees in every room of your house, and let’s not forget the deal-chasing shopping frenzy. That is so far[…]