3 Tools to Hire the Right People

The major factor that consistently separates top businesses from businesses that never quite take off is the people you hire — and how you hire them. I’m going to reveal three tools that will help you hire the right people for your unique business needs. Let’s start with the hiring process. Hiring the right people for[…]



Healthy hiring requires focus. I recently read a health coach’s Facebook post about her early morning grocery shopping trip. She talked about the items in people’s shopping carts and their impact on healthy living — for example, breakfast cereal. That made me think about the health of our hiring practices. You’re probably thinking I’m crazy[…]

Rethinking HR

Grab your autographed copy now. BUY NOW! This entry in the Red Letter Publishing Professional Series is the work of sixteen authors including Rebecca Barnes-Hogg, all distinguished members of the Human Resources community. At the core of their work in this anthology is a simple question: how can we rethink Human Resources in ways that make[…]